Meaning of #hashtags #rmdo #rmdc #blogtips

Hash tags are a tool for micro blogging much like the more antiquated LABELS in blogging. Hash tags serve both the writer to sort his material and the reader to find a category.
You can invent a hash tag, as I have done with two, #rmdo and #rmdc. Be sure to double check it before you use it extensively to see if it's popular for another subject.
Hash tags are useful in 3 venues: Twitter, Google Plus, and Google Search.
It is EXTREMELY helpful for the micro blogger to study hash tags.  Observe the use of hash tags by writers, especially mini posters. Enter a few popular subjects into the Google Plus and Twitter search engine boxes, such as #humor, #funny, #science, #politics and observe.
What do my hash tags #rmdo and #rmdc mean? I thought you'd never ask!
RMD  is an abbreviation of my online handle revmaddog1948 - hence rmd. (I've added the 1948 because there is more than one Rev Mad Dog) #rmdo is put on my short original quotes. I was surprised and delighted to find out how much readers enjoyed them on Twitter. 
#rmdo separates my original quotes from other quotes from other authors that I have collected; hence the hash tag #rmdc . 
#rmdo = Rev Mad Dog's Originals. #rmdc = Rev Mad Dog's Collection.
Some of my original quotes may sound similar to other famous quotes. If I had to spend some time shortening a quote to make it fit Twitter, I claimed it for my own.
If you're interested in my quotes or my collection, try it out.
