#rmdo Barry Slaski, Warrior of Light #inspiration #realestate

From Barry's blog post
The House Give Away

I am connected to Barry Skalski in so many ways it's hard to describe.
He is a life long friend of my son in law Charles Daly Jr. As such he loosely qualifies as a Shirt Tail Relative, a place of honor in which grand children are forced to call him Uncle Barry.
He became a Source of Revelation to my wife Mary when he gave us some extra tickets to a Weird Al Yankovic Concert that he and Kimberly, myself and Mary all attended together. Mary now concedes that social internet friends are made of flesh and blood.
He is a Geek Extraordinaire, deeply interested in high tech and social internet issues, and a source of many of my humorous photos. He inspired me to enter The World of Twitter.
He is a Radical Realtor, doing his job as if it's God assigned with a style of excellence, passion, and compassion that is award winning.
He is a Fellow Warrior of Light in The Universal War of Light against Darkness. Hence my re-posting his blog article.
Thank him. Pray for him. Pass this article on. And when he walks by, salute him. #rmdo
Mary and Weird Al Yankovic. Mary's on the right.
One of the many photos I have "borrowed" from Barry's Timeline.
