Why shake and not stir? #vodka #jamesbond #piercebrosnan

Mary asked a question, and I've learned that whatever Mary is curious about is what you're curious about. What is the purpose of shaking a drink rather than stirring it, as James Bond so specifically instructs: shaken, not stirred.
According to Wikipedia, shaking chills the drink much more than stirring. Now we know that James Bond is a student of physics.
The picture I deliberately chose for James Bond was that of Pierce Brosnan, who also starred in the Remington Steele TV Series. I am convinced he was the best Bond ever, and I was convinced he'd be a great Bond when I first started watching Remington Steele. So did the James Bond franchise, who asked Pierce to star in Bond films early into his contract with Remington Steele, but the producers of the TV series would not release him from the contract.
I like the current actor Daniel Craig, and I've enjoyed each of the Bond stars, but Pierce brought the best blend of action, drama, and humor. NOBODY STRAIGHTENED HIS TIE LIKE THE PIERCE BROSNAN JAMES BOND!


  1. It's like a whole different character with Daniel Craig. The action scenes are better, but he isn't the unflappable Bond of the old days.


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