What TARDIS would I like?

The 11th Doctor portrayed by Matt Smith standing beside a Blue British Police Call Box TARDIS

The question was posted at the Dr Who Fanatics page on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/groups/doctorwhofanatics/355120231207823/?ref=notif&notif_t=group_activity 
What would be the TARDIS appearance of choice? 
The TARDIS (time and relative dimension in space) is a living machine that is bigger on the outside than it is on the inside and capable of travelling any where in time and space. It is also capable of transforming itself into any appearance.
For those of you living outside the space time continuum, Dr Who is a British Television Science Fiction Series, the longest running and most successful TV series in the world.
Normally I'm not a traditionalist (for example, I think the only problem with the 96  Dr Who movie was it was hosted by those fickle nitwit Fox executives who cut and run like they did with Firefly and Sarah Connor Chronicles) 
The 8th Doctor from the Fox Dr Who movie

but it's really hard to beat a Blue British Police Box for classic style.
