Herding Cats

Mary and I very nervously accepted the job of babysitting my two grand sons for 7 days while Wendy goes to Ohio for job training.
All of my grand children are well behaved, delightful to be around socially, respectful, and obedient. Seriously.
With God's Divine Intervention and Revelation, my own begging the Lord like a Fuller Brush Salesman, my late wife Lynne's super natural mothering skills, I have raised two of best daughters this side of heaven, and they in turn have raised frighteningly godly, talented, and delightful children. I take no credit other than begging for God's help and making a deal that I would pastor any church, no matter how small, and work any job, no matter how hot, dirty, or stressful, if He would assist me in raising children that would obey Him. (Think LONG AND HARD before you do the same thing, and read carefully every chapter of The Gift Parables)!
The reason why I was nervous is not that my grand children would disobey me.
The reason I am nervous is Mathew invents things to do that are outside the box of safety rules faster than I can think through the consequences and devise guidelines.
Case in point: I was watching Mathew and his older cousin Zach, and had sent them into the bathroom to wash their hands. Mathew had come up with the idea of watching the toilet paper dissolve in a sink full of water. The normally reserved Zach thought the idea was intriguing. When I inspected the situation after leaving them for three minutes, the sink was full of water and an entire roll of toilet paper in a new viscous form, a toilet paper slush.
Mary and I have just finished our first day without any disasters, thanks to the grace of God. When we got home, I laid down for a three hour nap. I will go back to bed soon and dream fitfully of things that can go wrong in less than 30 seconds.
I did make up a new rule for Mathew. He is not to ask a second question until I have answered the first one.
While I was single, my deep love for children made me briefly consider the possibility of having more children with a younger wife. A one day session with Mathew and Zach sent me back to the dating website to quickly raise the age parameters a few years, which immediately brought Mary into my circle, for which I am eternally grateful.
Raising children is a job for the young, the brave, and the strong.
