GooglePlus, Facebook, Twitter Posting Differences

I've noticed some interesting differences in the results of how I post on Google Plus, Facebook, and Twitter.
On Facebook I get the best results when I post an interesting picture, with my post and blog link as an add on. I also face the least amount of resistance in Facebook's software by using this method, which tends to mark me as spam if I post more than 5 or 6 links at a time.
With Google Plus, I get far better results when I hit the share button, which highlights my blog link. Posting the picture first, then adding the post and links basically gets me ignored.
Twitter has almost no pull when it comes to posting pictures.
Comparing the pull power of the 3 social sites is interesting also, especially when I observe the long term results.
After I got the hang of the fast paced Twitter, Twitter produced the heaviest returns on posting efforts during my first full calendar year, 2010. However, it's a tedious job cutting and pasting enough posts and links to get any results. posting has to be done repitively since Twitter suffers from short term memory loss.
Facebook gathered momentum in 2011 after, with God's merciful help, I got the feel of their software and momentum and started posting pictures with my posts and links included. To post links heavily like I did on Twitter gets me spammed by their software. It's also unnecessary as the pace of Facebook is glacially slow compared to Twitter and Google Plus.
In 2012, Google Plus is leaving them in the dust. Their pace is medium, in between Facebook and Twitters, but  not so fast as to need massive, repetitive, mind deadening cutting and pasting. Their software helps, not hinders heavier posting.
The results of posting on Google Plus has been explosive! It appears that the ratio of Google Plus views, when I count in the Google Search results, is 20 to 1 compared to Twitter and Facebook combined. Their Search continues to deliver views to my blogs long after the post has expired. Some of my inactive blogs are still having views as high as 30% of when I actively posted.
I won't quit posting on Facebook, since all of my family and most of my friends are on that site. I won't quit posting to Twitter since it still has the ability to reach the least expensive dumb phones in 3rd world countries.
But my focus for this year and probably beyond will be on Google Plus.
