Art Show in Niles Michigan

On Friday, May 4, 2012, I took the Taberski kids (my oldest daughter's children) to an Art Show and Awards Program at the Cornerstone Evangelical Free church in Niles Michigan. Gloria Seitz, a certified art teacher who holds varied art classes at mulitple skill levels, hosted the event. Becky's children and we grand parents have been participating for over 5 years, After the awards, there was refreshments, then the Taberskis, other relatives, (me) and another family friend and participant Melissa Bachtel and her children met at Steak and Shake in Roseland Indiana for dinner. The art shown is from Zach, 8, Libby, 11, and Allie 14.
Here we are doing what we do best, eating, at the Steak and Shake.
I'm taking the picture.

Gloria, the director, presenting an award to her 81 year old father, mentor, and fellow artist.

This little pixie ended up being my buddy by the end of the awards.

Allie and Libby, (who just came from.. where else?.. basketball practice) with their 2 long time buds Madison and Kendra

Zach in the middle with the rockin hairdo and his two longtime buds Bryce, left, and Joe, right

Allie's Cardinals

Libby's Frogs

Allie's Lighthouse

Libby's lighthouse (in the middle)


Zach's Snake
