Mathew's 5th Birthday Party

My name is Mathew! I'm 5 years old!
So this is what ice cream tastes like? 
Very good!

Verrrrrry interesssssting!
On Tuesday May 24, 2011, all of Mathew Daily's friends and relatives met at Cici's Pizza on Main Street in Mishawaka Indiana to celebrate Mathew's 5th birthday.
Mathew is my second oldest grandson.
His cousins, Allie, Libby, and Zach were there, along with his aunts and uncles, his grand mother Shirley Daily, his grand father, me, along with his step grand mother Mary, and his Great God Parents Rick and Barb Van Wechel.

Let me help you!
His younger brother Liam was the center of attraction for a while, for it was one of his first times eating ice cream, an experience he really relished. Great God Parent Barb was in charge of the feeding frenzy.
