Bin Laden Dead? Why US Prevails

I started this blog on Sunday night, May 1st, 2011. (well before the President's broadcast) Could this report be true? I was hoping and praying that it was.
According to a New York Times report, Bin Laden was pursued to the death by an American Special Forces Unit. This was reported by 2 US Senators. President Obama made the announcement later Sunday evening.

This does reveal that no one can risk the wrath of the world's mightiest nation with out facing severe consequences.
America has faced intelligent, technologically savvy, and fierce to the point of suicidal opponents before, and prevailed. They did so with the support of a smaller but politically and militarily adroit ally Britain, and a consistent but totally different politically ally, Russia. This motley crew defeated a well oiled military machine because God aided their strengths and girded up their weakness, but did the very opposite for the Axis powers.
The next day, Monday, the NY Times published two interesting articles, and I have included their links below.
The first is a lengthy obituary of Osama Bin Laden.

The second NY Times link is a reconstruction of the events that led up to his death.
I have assured our US friends before that we need not worry about enemies that are technically savvy and suicidally fierce AS LONG AS GOD REMAINS OUR ALLY.
God will remain our ally as long as we are useful to Him in 3 ways. 
1. Our language, because of our economic, scientific, and military leadership, will be a stepping stone for publishing the gospel around the world.
2. Our economic engine will help poor families provide for their basic needs world wide.
3. Our military might will provide an umbrella of protection for Israel.
Of course, some day this will all end. The fierce lion with the wings on it's back will be stripped of it's wings, and will be made to stand like a man. Babylon the great city with 7 hills (Moscow? Jerusalem? Rome? Washington DC?) will fall. A new super power will step up to the plate (Israel).
UPDATE: The world is celebrating the confirmed death of Osama Bin Laden, although our friends in the Muslim world are being discrete, for fear of retaliation. An enraged Al Queda will seek out US targets, but unable to reach the hardened targets in the US, they strike at the unprotected soft targets closer to their home. US sympathizers will be an easy target.
It is important for us to congratulate our US troops and also our US President for their efforts at finding Osama. More importantly, it is vital that we thank our God for His Hand in guing their efforts. Turning our backs on God now by receiving all the praise will cut us off from His future guidance.
Here's a link to a recent news cast.
I've also included a video obtained from ABC. It was taken from inside the compound where Bin Laden died. I got the heads up from one of my Resource Gold and Forever Friend tweeter @NotAJoe 
Strange that I don't watch the news, but my internet friends keep me a step ahead. But then, what are friends for? ;-)

The Navy Seals that took out Obama were minsters of God- they did not bear the sword in vain. Dr Alberta/CEPC/ Brighton MI/5.15.2011
